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Friday, January 20, 2012

It's been a long time comming

I just sent out our catalog for 2012. It was a labor. A labor of love that took about 6 months. Now I find the errors that I was looking for. No biggy I'll fix them next year.
I added 16 new pages of merchandise for this year. Roughly about 2000 extra items were added. I'm gonna pat myself on the back right now, excuse me........... OK I'm back. In our store we have approximately 15,000 items ( types and sizes) for sale and in the catalog we have about 5000 items listed. Online we have about 8,000 items listed. Whew.

Our store is divided into 3 different websites. One is and it covers most of our old fashion patent medicines, homeopathic remedies, natural vitamins and supplements, herbs, skin care, and more. The second is it comprises our Hoodoo, Voodoo, curios, root, herbs, jewelry and cultural products. There are too many categories to mention here but you get the idea. And the third (our new adventure) is our drop-ship program with some of the most respected companies in the business. Botanic Choice and Starlinks Jewelry, 1000's of quality merchandise with great guaranties. Please use our links to go to their sites and check them out. All their items can be bought at or through our links and I invite you to check them out. I know the prices are great.
If you order from us and we do not have your item in stock we will ship our items separately and you will receive an email of when both orders are shipped with tracking numbers from the other companies. There will be no extra fees involved on your part.

I hope this makes it easier for you to satisfy your needs and desires. Let me know if you have any suggestions, comments, complaints, or if I can assist you in any matter.

Best regards till next time....